This is an exercise to revise the pronunciation of the final -s and the vocabulary of transport and travel. Every time you see a new slide say the word aloud in the plural. Remember the suffix -s is pronounced:
s/ when the noun ends in a(n) /
p/or /
*/iz/when the noun ends in a(n)/s//z//ks//ʃ//dʒ//ʒ/tʃ/
*/z/ when the noun ends in any other sound.

A good pronunciation is more important than it seems to be. English has not correlation between the sounds and the spelling, for this reason is extremely important to know the phonetic symbols and how to pronounce them. The more we practise, the better our pronunciation will be. In these website pages will find a lot of information to help you in acquiring a better pronunciation.
Repeat after me,bbc,ship or sheep