Wednesday 19 September 2012


1 comment:

Mrs Beans said...

Beans with serrano ham:

Olive oil
One onion
150 grs of serrano ham.
A packet of frozen beans(500 grs)
A blade of Laurel.
Water and salt.

Preparing the meal:

1.Put olive oil in a saucepan.
2.Chop one onion and chop serrano ham in little pieces.
3.Warm the oil.
4.Place the chopped onion and the chopped ham in the saucepan.
5.Stir the mixture while it is cooking with a wooden spoon.
6.Add a packet of frozen beans and stir all together.
7.Put a laurel´s blade and comino.
8.Put warm water just covering the beans. Season with salt.
9.Close the saucepan and cook during twenty minutes.
10.Serve in a deep dish with chopped parsley.
¡Enjoy the taste!

Mrs Beans