Wednesday 29 July 2009


As you already know, listening is vital when we are learning a new language. It's the most difficult skill to understand and the one which requires more practice when learning a new language. So the more you listen, the better you get at understanding.
Here you have a listening exercise. Start by doing some exercises related to new vocabulary, then watch the video with the English subtitles and then again, but this time without subtitles. You'll see you'll understand a lot more, then do the next exercise and finally listen again but this time try to be aware of the pronunciation, intonation and how words are joined. I hope you enjoy this video.
First do the following
two exercises

Now watch the video

Do the following exercise:

and finally listen again to focus on how things are said and expressed.


Chiew said...

Thanks for bringing to my attention. Interesting. I'm sure I'll be using more of it in my blog in the future.
One question, Saro: how does the EOI aula virtual work? Is it some kind of hosting site? Is it available to all EOI teachers in LPA?

saro said...

It has been a pleasure. i hope you find it useful. yes, we have a hosting site and it is only available to eoi teachers in las palmas 1.